Constitution and By Laws
Section 1. The name of this Club is “HARBOR CLUB NORTH & SOUTH YACHT CLUB”,
Incorporated under the Laws of the State of Michigan, as a non-profit corporation.
Section 1. The purpose of the Club is to promote the improvement and advancement of pleasure
boating by members of the community and to this end provide the opportunity and means
for members to share their mutual interests and goals in achieving this objective.
Section 1. (a) Any person over eighteen years of age and of good character who is interested in boating
is eligible for membership.
(b) Member: The term shall be deemed to include both spouses, if the applicants are
married or significant other.
(c) Upon the marriage of a member, the membership status shall be amended to include the
member’s spouse.
(d) Seniority: Seniority shall be defined as a period of membership in the Club and seniority
shall be deemed to accrue in accordance with the rules promulgated by the Executive
Board of Directors from time to time.
Section 2. There shall be three (3) classes of membership.
Staff of Harbor Club North and South.
Boater Lessees of Harbor Club North and South.
Social Members.
Section 3. Only active members of this Club shall be permitted to vote or to hold office. Active
members are those members who are current in all membership fees, dues, assessments and
who regularly attend Club meetings. Any disputes will be resolved by the Executive Board
of Directors.
Section 4. Except for spouses of established members, candidates for membership in the Club shall be
proposed by two members in any class who are members in good standing. Such proposals
shall be made in writing on blank forms furnished for that purpose. A proposal letter shall be
addressed to the Committee on Admissions recommending the candidate and giving as fully
as possible from their own personal knowledge the qualifications of the candidate for
membership, and until this information has been received, the name of the candidate for
membership shall not be considered by the Committee. The Committee of Admissions shall
submit all applications of candidates for membership together with their recommendations,
to the Officers of the Club and shall at that time cause to be posted on the bulletin board of
the Club and circulated to all members the name and residence of every candidate so sub-
mitted for admissions together with the name of the proposers. Members shall have the
right to address comments on such candidates to the officers. The officers, not earlier than
10 days after receiving the report of the Committee on Admissions, shall vote upon the
applications submitted. Two negative ballots in person or in writing shall be sufficient for the
candidate. In the event of rejection by the Officers of any candidate for membership, the
Officers at its next meeting shall consult with the proposers of said candidate. Consultation
shall take place prior to notification of said candidate of his/her rejection of membership.
Section 5. Spouses of established members shall become members upon written notification to the
Officers of their desire to acquire membership status, and the date of the marriage.
Section 6. Applications for membership shall be accompanied by such amount as the Executive Board
Of Directors shall determine. A member-elect, who fails to pay the required membership
fees and dues within thirty (30) days of the date of his election, thereby forfeits his/her
right to membership unless the Executive Board of directors shall permit payment of such
fees and dues subsequent to the time specified herein.
Section 7. (a) Charges may be preferred against a member by the Directors, Officers or by any member of the Club. In all such cases, before taking disciplinary action, the Executive Board of
Directors shall conduct a hearing on such charges and a notice in writing signed by the
Secretary or other Officer of the Club, stating the time and place of such meeting at which
such charges are to be heard, together with a copy of the charges preferred against such
member, shall be mailed to him and the Directors at least 10 days before such a meeting,
at which such member may appear in person to be heard or present a written statement.
(b) After a hearing in accordance with the preceding subsection any member may be
suspended for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days for cause including any conduct
which in the judgment of the Executive Board of Directors;
improper, prejudicial, or detrimental to the Club, or
in violation of any provisions of the By Laws of the Club,
in violation of any rule or regulation of the Club.
A hearing held at any meeting of the Executive Board and by a vote of three-fourths of the Directors present; provided however, that no member shall be suspended pursuant to this By Law unless majority of all the Directors shall vote in favor of the suspension.
(c) If a member shall be suspended or expelled, a notice to such effect shall be posted on the
bulletin board of the Club for a period as the Directors my direct, and a written notice
sent to said member.
Section 8. (a) The quota of members in any class shall be set from time to time by the Board of Directors
and notice posted on the bulletin board of the Club, provided however, that the total
number of members shall not exceed 500.
(b) In the event membership shall be filled, applications for such membership shall be
considered by the Committee of Admissions and Officers and passed upon in accordance
with the provisions of the Article and thereafter placed upon a list. As openings appear in
memberships, persons upon the list shall be admitted to membership in the order their
applications have been approved.
(c) Preference shall be given to sons, daughters, son or daughter-in-laws of members.
Applications admitted will not be accepted until membership drops below 500.
Section 1. The EXECUTIVE BOARD of Harbor Club North & South Yacht Club shall consist of the
owners of Harbor Club North and Harbor Club South, current Club Officers consisting of
Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Secretary, Treasurer and two Past
Commodores, a total of nine positions.
(a) This shall be the legislative committee having full authority over club matters of a
legislative nature.
(b) They will also serve as the Nomination Committee who duties shall be the selection of
candidates for the annual election of officers.
Section 2. The Harbor Club North & South Yacht Club shall consist of 6 Officers. The officers
Shall be known as Executive Board of Directors or Flag Officers.
Commodore – Vice Commodore – Rear Commodore – Secretary – Treasurer – Fleet Captain
They will be responsible for conducting the normal operation affairs of the Club.
(a) Commodore – Agent – It shall be the duty of the Commodore to preside at all meetings of the Club. He/she shall have the authority to designate any member to serve as an appointed official or
committee member. Appointed officials or committee members shall serve at the pleasure of the
Executive Board of Directors who may terminate such appointments at any time.
(b) In the absence or disability of the Commodore, his/her duties shall be performed by the Vice
Commodore. The Vice Commodore will assist the Commodore in the discharge of his/her duties and
assist the running of normal Club operations as assigned by the Commodore.
(c) In the absence or disability of the Vice Commodore, his/her duties shall be performed by the Rear
Commodore; or, in his/her absence or disability by one of the Officers designated by the Executive
Board of Directors for that purpose. The Rear Commodore will assist the Commodore, and Vice
Commodore in the discharge of their duties and will be responsible for social activities of the Club in
the absence of a social or entertainment chairperson.
(d) The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all the meetings of the Club and the Executive Board and shall
notify members of elections, issue mailings, newsletters and/or notices of all Meetings. The Secretary will also be responsible for maintaining current membership rosters and perform various duties that
may be assigned by the Officers that pertain to this office. The records shall be open to inspection of
the Directors at all times.
(e) The Treasurer shall collect all Club membership fees and dues and shall deposit the same in the name
of the Club in such institution or institutions as may be authorized by the Executive Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall pay all bills which have been approved by the Officers, Directors or by authorized
committees, and shall issue a monthly written Treasurers Report at club meetings. The Treasurer will
make available upon request a current report to each member of the Club and at least three days prior
to the Annual Meeting shall present this report to the membership at such meeting. Copies of an
Annual Report of the financial condition of the Club examined and certified by an independent
Certified Public Accountant, shall be mailed to members as soon as the same is available. Each year
that someone is elected to be Treasurer, the Past Treasurer will accompany that person to the financial
institution to change over control of Yacht Club’s Checking account.
(f) The Fleet Captain will be responsible for planning all fleet operations, rendezvous and special boating
activities and to assist the Rear Commodore in the discharge of his/her duties.
(g) Delegates and Alternates will be appointed by the Commodore to represent and attend all required
meetings and functions that require Club attendance and/or voting representation and to assist in
other duties that may be assigned by the Commodore.
(h) Committees – The Commodore may appoint members to serve on various committees as needed.
They will be Chairpersons of the committees and will serve at the pleasure and control of the
Commodore and the Executive Board of Directors.
Section 1. (a) The Annual Meeting of the Club for Elections of New Officers and transaction of other
business shall be held in November of each year on a date selected by the current Executive Board of Directors but not earlier than the 14th day following the emailing of written notice of the time, date and place thereof to all members at the addresses shown by Club records.
(b) The nominating or election committee will be the Executive Board of Directors.
Nominations for the open positions of Officers must go through and be approved by the
Election Nominating Committee. The Nomination Committee shall meet for the
selection of candidates during September but not prior thereto and shall present to the
Secretary on or before September 21st the report of nominees and the Secretary shall
forthwith send to all members the report of the Nominating Committee on or before
October 1st. The names of all persons so nominated shall be printed on email ballots.
These email ballots shall be emailed to all members in good standing. Only these email
ballots received by the Secretary shall be honored. The email ballots shall be counted
by three tellers appointed by the Commodore. A report of the results shall be made
prior to the adjournment of the annual meeting. In case of a tie vote, the members
present at the annual meeting shall decide between candidates by secret ballot and
shall further proceed to fill any vacancies which may exist due to death, resignation,
refusal or inability to serve as the elected candidates.
(c) Officers to be elected each year shall be (1) Rear Commodore (2) Secretary (3) Treasurer and (4) Fleet
Captain. Term of office shall be for one (1) year.
(d) Succession of Officers: The incumbent Vice Commodore shall automatically succeed to the office of
Commodore upon completion of his/her normal term of office. If for any reason he/she is unable to
succeed, the Rear Commodore shall succeed to the office of Commodore.
The incumbent Rear Commodore shall automatically succeed to the office of Vice Commodore upon
completion of his/her normal term of office. If for any reason he/she is unable to succeed, the position
shall be filled by appointment and nomination by the new Commodore and Executive Board of Directors
and voted on at the annual election.
All successions to these offices shall be approved by the Executive Board of Directors.
(e) Any officer who shall be absent for three regularly scheduled monthly meetings unless with prior written
consent from the Executive Board of Directors shall automatically cease to be an Officer of the Club.
Section 2. Special Meetings of the Club shall be held at the call of the Commodore, or the Executive
Board of Directors, or upon the written request of fifty active members in good standing
addressed to the Secretary. The object for which the special meeting is to be held shall be
transacted. Notice of such Meeting shall be emailed to each member at the address shown
by the Club records at least seven days before the meeting.
Section 3. (a) A quorum shall consist of the vote of the majority of the members present at any general
meeting or at any duly called special meeting.
(b) Members shall be entitled to one vote. In case of husband and wife or significant other
membership, they shall together, be entitled to one vote.
Section 4. The latest edition to Roberts Rules of Order shall be used to determine Parliamentary
procedure at all meetings.
Section 1. Membership fees shall be paid by newly elected members in such amounts and in accordance
with the schedules as such fixed from time to time by the Executive Board of Directors. The
fees are in no way connected to or applied to slip rentals.
Section 2. The annual dues of active and social members shall be fixed by the Executive Board of
Directors in amounts not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per year. Dues are in
no way connected to or applied to slip rentals.
Section 3. Dues are payable upon presentation of the bill. When a member is in arrears for payment of
these charges or special assessments to the Club for sixty (60) days, the Executive Board of
Directors may suspend or terminate his/her membership. Dues notice of such suspension or
termination shall be sent in writing to the member, and upon mailing of such notice he/she
shall no longer have any right, title or interest in the Club.
Section 1. Special assessments may be levied on all members to meet financial obligations owed by the
Club or for the purpose of improving or acquiring boats or property necessary for the welfare
of the Club.
Section 2. Special assessments must be approved by the Executive Board of Directors prior to sending
all the membership complete details regarding such assessments at least two (2) weeks
before a special meeting to consider such assessments by the membership. Special
assessments must be approved by a vote of two thirds of the members present.
Section 1. (a) These Constitution and By Laws may be amended at any meeting of the Club by a vote of
two thirds of the members present provided that.
The proposed amendment shall have been first submitted in writing to the Executive Board of Directors and shall have been approved by them and
That notice of the proposed amendment so approved shall have been posted and emailed to every member in good standing at least two (2) weeks before the meeting at which it is to be considered.
Whenever forty (40) members in good standing shall propose an amendment as herein before provided, they shall file the same with the Secretary, and the Commodore shall call a meeting of the Club within thirty (30) days thereof to consider said amendment, and the Secretary shall forthwith give the required notice as provided in the preceding subsection of the section.
Amended 08/09/16