HCNSYC Members:
This forwarded message from ABYA is a benefit of being a HCNSYC member.
If you plan on attending the ABYA Spring Dinner Dance by boat or by car, I suggest you get your ticket money in ASAP as stated on the attached flier. Also, if you want to be put on the waiting list for a boat well request, let me know ASAP along with sending an email to ABYA VC Leslie Leitch. HCNSYC has already filled their allotted 5 boat wells along with a request for an additional 5 boat wells. HCNSYC has always been a big supporter of this event.
Looking forward to a safe and fun 2021 boating season! Make sure you check out our website www.hcnsyc.com for all updates!
Sue Merony, Past Commodore and AB
YA Delegate
Harbor Club North South Yacht Club