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Writer's pictureHCNSYC Web Master


HCNSYC Members:

This forwarded message from ABYA is a benefit of being a HCNSYC member.

If you plan on attending the ABYA Spring Dinner Dance by boat or by car, I suggest you get your ticket money in ASAP as stated on the attached flier. Also, if you want to be put on the waiting list for a boat well request, let me know ASAP along with sending an email to ABYA VC Leslie Leitch. HCNSYC has already filled their allotted 5 boat wells along with a request for an additional 5 boat wells. HCNSYC has always been a big supporter of this event.

Looking forward to a safe and fun 2021 boating season! Make sure you check out our website for all updates!

Sue Merony, Past Commodore and AB

YA Delegate

Harbor Club North South Yacht Club

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