HCNSYC Members:
Please be advised that due to the Labor Day Holiday, we’ve moved our Membership meeting to tomorrow, Tuesday, September 15, 2020, at 7:00pm at Harbor Club North Clubhouse. MASKS ARE REQUIRED FOR MEETINGS INSIDE THE CLUBHOUSE. Trina, Harbormaster at HCN, is willing to work with us to keep the facility open for our use for our meeting.
At the Meeting, we will be giving everyone updates on:
· Our upcoming Events for our Yacht Club
· Updates on our new Website – www.hcnsyc.com
· Other Events from ABYA
· Metro Boat Show at Lake St. Clair MetroPark-September 17-20, 2020 is CANCELED
· We will have ABYA 50/30/15/5 Raffle tickets at $1.00 each for sale.
· Nominees for Fleet Captain for 2021 will be discussed at our meeting.
As previously done before, the following will be set in place:
· There will be a sanitizer spray bottle and a roll of paper towel on the table.
· There will also be Clorox Disinfecting Wipes available along with Hand Sanitizer.
· You must bring and wear a mask for inside gatherings. Please refrain from handshakes. There are definitely lots of different ways to acknowledge each other.
· The front and the back doors to the Clubhouse will be unlocked for us and excess to the restrooms.
· Parking is available in front of the Clubhouse or on the side of the Clubhouse.
We look forward to seeing our Members this Tuesday! Until then, safe boating everyone!
Sue Merony, Commodore
Kurt Salvatore, Vice Commodore
Mike Elder, Rear Commodore
Scott Campbell, Fleet Captain
Chris Puchovan, Treasurer
Terry Zech, Secretary
Harbor Club North and South Yacht Club