Hello Club Members,
Please find attached the Meeting Minutes from our September 12th General Membership Meeting. Minutes can also be seen (when posted) on our website at www.hcnsyc.com/blog
REMINDER: Our annual Frostbite Rendezvous is scheduled for September 22-24 at Algonac Harbor Club. The Breakfast Sign-Up Sheet is now posted on our website (Frostbite Event Page). Please visit our website (www.hcnsyc.com) and sign up for a breakfast item you would like to bring and share. We hope to see you there!
REMINDER 2: Tickets for our Smoke on the Water event, October 7th, are on sale now! Contact your Fleet Captain (Frank Schwenck) for tickets.
Scott Campbell
Commodore - HCNSYC
E-Mail: scottcampbell44@comcast.net
HCNSYC E-Mail: 95hcnsyc@gmail.com
Web Site: www.hcnsyc.com
