HCNSYC Members: This forwarded message from ABYA is a benefit of being a HCNSYC member. Make sure you check out our website www.hcnsyc.com for all updates! Sue Merony, Past Commodore/ABYA Delegate HCNSYC ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Patricia Mok Date: Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 11:12 AM Subject: Last Call!-2 days 6/21/21 (sent/received)
REMINDER: Lake St. Clair Marina (Lake St. Clair Metropark)
“ABYA Fall Fling” – September 10-12, 2021

ABYA Members: Just a friendly reminder— In order for ABYA to secure the date and area for our ABYA Fall Fling, I talked with Matt Carr, Harbormaster, at Lake St. Clair MetroPark Office today. We have blocked 26 wells in the South Marina Wells #3 - #13, #15 - #23, #24 - #26, #37, #40 and #41 (there are 16 wells available from when I checked last). This block of wells will only stay in place until Wednesday June 23, 2021 and will expire at that time. If you want to reserve one of these 26 wells, go to the following website: www.midnrreservations.com · Before logging in, type in your information— · Make sure “Reservation type”: Harbor is clicked on. · Now, you need to type in all your information as follows: · Harbor: Lake St. Clair Marina · Arrival Date: Friday, Sept 10 · Nights: 2 · Departure Date: Sunday, Sept 12 · Enter all your boat information below: Boat type, length, draft and width · DON’T CLICK ON “search” instead—in the upper right hand corner, click on “Login” You must have an account or create one on the DNR website in order to make your reservation under our Group Hold.
· Your “My Account” should come up. There will be three main captions—Make a New Reservation, Upcoming Reservations and Past/Cancelled Reservations. There will also be three sub-captions—Account Profile, Gift Cards and Group Hold. Under Group Hold, click on “Reserve using Group Hold Code” · There in the Group Hold Code box type the code: abya2021 · This will bring you to the Harbor page. Make sure “Reservation type”: Harbor is clicked on. · Yes, you’ll have to type ALL your information in again. · Harbor: Lake St. Clair Marina · Arrival Date: Friday, Sept 10 · Nights: 2 · Departure Date: Sunday, Sept 12 · Enter all your boat information below: Boat type, length, draft and width · Then, click on “update” · We have blocked 26 wells as stated above. They are marked by a green star as available. If a black, yellow or red star appears, that well is not available. · Your screen will then update with the complete Lake St. Clair Marina map. You’ll need to decide what well number you desire. Click on the green dot that’s available. Wells #44 - #48 are marked with a yellow star. You won’t be able to reserve them on the website. These are the floating docks and are on a first come, first serve basis. · Pick your well # you wish to reserve. It will be a “gr
een star” if it is available. · Then click on “Reserve” to continue. The well you pick will be a “red star” marking it has been chosen. · You’ll finish confirming and making your reservation on the next few screens. Additional Information · They’ll ask for your Boat Name and Registration #. · Also type in Arrival Comment: We are with ABYA Fall Fling. I’d advise you not to wait until Wednesday, June 23, 2021, to make your reservation. Until then, safe boating everyone! Patricia Mok, Commodore ABYA P.S. After the June 23, 2021, expiration date, those remaining unreserved wells will go back in.
